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Powerful cosmic blast as black hole shreds star

Astronomers have spied a star's swan song as it is shredded by a black hole.

Category: Space


Eco-friendly mosque planned for Germany

Norderstedt's Muslim community to build a £2m mosque with wind turbines in its minarets

Category: Energy sources


Tests 'reject new particle claim'

Cross-checks on data that hinted at the discovery of a new sub-atomic particle have failed to find support for the observation.

Category: Big Science


Cucumbers in space: astronaut's horticultural mission

Satoshi Furukawa plans to grow vegetables on International Space Station after blasting off from Kazakhstan on Wednesday

Category: Space


Scientists trap antimatter long enough to study how it works

At the Cern particle laboratory, physicists have managed to hold on to antimatter for up to 16 minutes to observe its behaviour

Category: Space, Big Science

Displaying results 461 to 465 out of 2977